Austria vs australia

Austria vs Australia: How to Tell the Difference

Okay. We get this question too many times – Austria and Australia are two names that, at first glance, look very similar.

But a closer inspection reveals some important differences between the two countries and their respective people.

If you’re traveling abroad, or if you’re just trying to understand your European or Australian neighbor better, then here’s how to tell the difference between Austria and Australia based on key features of their culture, language, cuisine, and more.

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Pronunciation Section

Austria and Australia are two countries that are often confused with one another. While they may share some similarities, there are also a number of key differences that set them apart.

For starters, Austria is pronounced Ow-stree-uh while Australia is pronounced Ow-streyl-yuh, and it doesn’t stop here.

Geography Section

Austria and Australia are two very different countries located on opposite sides of the world.

Though they share a similar name, they are not the same country. Austria is located in Central Europe while Australia is located in Oceania. Austria has a population of 8.7 million people while Australia has a population of 25 million people.

The official language of Austria is German while the official language of Australia is English. Finally, Austria’s capital city is Vienna while Australia’s capital city is Canberra.

Illustration by ScienceABC

If you figured by now the differences between the two, here is a more serious read to get some inspiration for your next travel: 7 Tropical vacations in the US that will make you feel like you’re abroad.

Political Differences of Austria and Australia

Austria is a federal parliamentary republic, while Australia is a federal parliamentary constitutional monarchy. This means that Austria is ruled by elected officials and has a president as its head of state, while Australia is ruled by elected officials and has a monarch (currently King Charles III) as its head of state.

Economy Differences of Austria and Australia

Austria has a developed economy with a strong focus on service industries, while Australia has a developed economy with a focus on mining, agriculture, and tourism. Austria is a member of the European Union, while Australia is not.

Size/Land Area Section

Austria is a landlocked country located in Central Europe. The country is slightly smaller than the state of Maine with a total land area of 83,871 square kilometers.

In comparison, Australia is significantly larger with a total land area of 7,688,000 square kilometers. That means Australia is almost 92 times larger than Austria!

Currency Section

When it comes to currency, there is a big difference between Austria and Australia. Austria uses the Euro as its currency, while Australia has its own currency called the Australian Dollar.

The exchange rate between these two currencies can fluctuate, so it’s important to be aware of the current rate before traveling if you consider it.

When it comes to prices, Austria is generally more expensive than Australia. This is due to a number of factors, including the cost of living and wages in Austria.

Don’t mix those. Illustration by Monisnap.

The Climate Section

Austria has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons, while Australia has a more varied climate due to its size and location in the southern hemisphere. Some parts of Australia, such as the northern tropical region, have a hot and humid climate, while other parts, such as the southern temperate region, have a more moderate climate.

The Flag Section

Probably the most obvious difference between Austria and Australia is their flags. The Austrian flag consists of three equal horizontal bands of red (top), white, and red.

The flag of Australia is blue with the Union Jack in the upper left corner and six white stars—the Southern Cross constellation—spread across the bottom half.

Australia vs Austria
2 Different Flags. Illustration by Vindobona




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